Important Dummy Questions about Marijuana (Facts Check on Cannabis)

Is Marijuana Unique and Rare?
Marijuana is not rare at all. It is a widely distributed plant with a vast presence on Earth. While hemp, a strain of Cannabis Sativa, is more commonly known for its fiber used in clothing, marijuana, or cannabis itself is just another strain of hemp. It is far from being a rare plant.
What Makes Marijuana Work?
The effective chemical content in marijuana or cannabis is called cannabinoids. Researchers discovered cannabinoids in the marijuana plant during the 1940s and 1960s. Since then, more than 100 different cannabinoids have been identified and studied. The most well-known cannabinoids are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), which are responsible for the recreational and medicinal effects of marijuana.
What's the Difference Between THC and CBD?
THC is known for its psychoactive effects, causing the user to feel high and providing pain relief. However, it may have some negative effects on the brain, such as altered perception and short-term memory loss. On the other hand, CBD promotes relaxation and serenity. It can help alleviate depression without causing a high or altering perception.
Do All Marijuana Strains Contain Equivalent THC and CBD Levels?
No, THC and CBD levels can vary significantly between different marijuana strains. Some strains may have high levels of THC and low levels of CBD, while others may have the opposite. There are also strains with balanced levels of both THC and CBD. The specific ratios of THC to CBD in a strain can influence the overall effects and potential therapeutic benefits.
Where and How Does Marijuana Grow?
Cannabis / marijuana cultivation is an industry that encompasses both large-scale plantations for medical and recreational purposes, as well as smaller residential operations by hobbyists. Controlling factors like ventilation, lighting, temperature, and humidity is crucial for successful cultivation.
Do All Parts of the Marijuana Plant Contain Cannabinoids?
No, merely the flowers of the marijuana / cannabis plant contain the valuable cannabinoids. The remaining parts of the plant are usually discarded or used as fertilizer for future plantings.
How Do Cannabis Flowers Transform into Drugs?
Once the cannabis / marijuana plant is mature, the flowers are dried, trimmed, and collected. The process of "curing" involves carefully drying and preserving the flowers in specific conditions to enhance their flavor, aroma, and smoke smoothness.
What Factors Can Degrade Marijuana Quality?
Sunlight, particularly UV light, can degrade the quality of cannabis by reducing the CBD content. Additionally, humidity can lead to the growth of fungi and spoil the dried flowers.
What Are the Popular Methods of Marijuana Consumption?
Rolling a small amount of dried flower in rolling papers creates pre-rolls, commonly known as joints. This method is the most popular, accounting for around 70% of marijuana consumption scenarios. Other consumption methods involve marijuana concentrates, which are highly potent extracts derived from the cannabis flower. Concentrates come in various forms such as powder, oil, wax, or resin. They can be added to edibles like candies, gummies, cookies, or infused into massage oils and drinks.
How Much Does Marijuana Cost?
The price of marijuana varies depending on factors such as quality, legality, and location. In states where cannabis usage is legal in the USA and Canada, licensed sales tend to have higher prices compared to underground markets. For example, one gram of dried marijuana flowers can range from $5 to $20, depending on the quality grade. (One gram of dry flowers can make 2-3 joints / cigarettes.)